Adygeya president reported to republic management  about participation in work of governmental commission in Moscow  » <a href="">Адыгея</a> - Новости, события, комментарии, факты

» » Adygeya president reported to republic management  about participation in work of governmental commission in Moscow 
about&nbsp;participation&nbsp;in&nbsp;work&nbsp;of&nbsp;governmental&nbsp;commission&nbsp;in&nbsp;Moscow&nbsp; 18:45 Среда 0 5 822
16-11-2005, 18:45
Россия 5 822 0

Adygeya&nbsp;president&nbsp;reported&nbsp;to&nbsp;republic&nbsp;management&nbsp; about&nbsp;participation&nbsp;in&nbsp;work&nbsp;of&nbsp;governmental&nbsp;commission&nbsp;in&nbsp;Moscow&nbsp;

In the Government of Adygeya on November, 16th the session devoted to the explanation of last initiatives of the president of Russia passed. In the report of the head of the republic Khazret Sovmen four basic questions were sounded: about the national projects offered by Vladimir Putin; the municipal reform; the antiterrorist struggle, and forthcoming parliamentary elections in Adygeya.

"The federal state allocates 115 billion rubles, - told the president of the republic, - for development of public health services, education, construction and agriculture. We should support these significant initiatives of the head of our state and to inform about them wide layers of population". The basic role in it, according to Sovmen, was given to public organizations. Public men, for example, could help to put into practice the municipal reform effectively as much as possible.

At the session of the governmental commission in Moscow president Sovmen reported on the course of carrying out of the municipal reform in Adygeya and suggested creating a board of public men at the heads of municipal formations. In his opinion, it would allow approaching bodies of local authorities to population.

From public organizations, the head of the republic said, they waited active participation in forthcoming elections of deputies of the State Soviet-Khase of Adygeya Republic. "These elections, - he noted, - are significant political event in the life of our republic, and I call inhabitants of Adygeya to take in them the most active part, to elect only worthy candidates".

"As we are a part of Northern Caucasus, - told the president in the final part of his report, - we should concern with the problem of terrorism. Public organizations here again could bring their invaluable contribution to preservation of stability, propagandizing among all the layers of population antiterrorist moods.”

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